Episode 19

Published on:

26th Jan 2024

#19: Mary’s Top 5 Tips for Achieving Prosperity and Happiness

The path to prosperity and happiness isn’t a day trip, it’s a life’s journey. Everyday, we should remind ourselves why this journey is so important and how we can be successful in our quest.

I want to give you my 5 top-tips for achieving prosperity and happiness. They can all be found in my book: the Black Belt Investor… In fact, I give you more than 5 tips in my book and lots of stories that help illustrate my points.

For this first “bilingual” episode of my podcast, I wanted to keep my message short, sweet and powerful… with a dash of humour.

Here are my top 5 tips:

  1. Don't get divorced! [01:52]
  2. Get and stay organized. [03:05]
  3. Make a financial plan.  [04:09]
  4. Have a mindfulness (stress-reduction) practice.  [05:15]
  5. Follow the basic tenets of investing [07:11]
  6. Bonus Tip. [09:24]

Versione française

Le chemin vers la prospérité et le bonheur n’est pas une excursion d’une journée, c’est le voyage d’une vie. Chaque jour, nous devons nous rappeler pourquoi ce voyage est si important et comment nous pouvons le réussir.

Je veux vous donner mes 5 meilleurs conseils pour atteindre la prospérité et le bonheur. On les retrouve tous dans mon livre L’investisseur ceinture noire. En fait, je vous donne plus de 5 conseils dans mon livre et de nombreuses histoires qui aident à illustrer mes propos.

Pour ce premier épisode « bilingue » de mon balado, j'ai voulu garder mon message court et puissant… avec une dose d'humour.

Voici mes 5 conseils:

  1. Ayez des conversations sur l'argent régulièrement en couple! [12:58]
  2. Soyez et restez organisé [14:26]
  3. Faites un plan financier [15:38]
  4. Ayez une pratique de pleine conscience (réduction du stress). [16:52]
  5. Suivez les principes de base de l’investissement [19:13]
  6. Bonus: [21:40]

Click here to listen to our podcast episode that talk more about money and marriage.

Money and Marriage – Discussions you need to have with your partner.

Thinking of Getting a Divorce? Here is some preliminary information you should know.

Thank you for listening

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About the Podcast

The Prosperous and Happy Life
Money doesn’t guarantee happiness, but it sure can help. In this podcast, I bring you expert advice on how to achieve not only wealth …. But happiness too!
I shares tips and experiences from my quest to help my clients be prosperous and happy. Over more than 30 years I have worked with thousands of clients and countless experts, all looking to live a rich and fulfilling life. In my podcast interviews I share my stories and wisdom, along with advice from the many experts I have encountered along the way.

About your host

Profile picture for Mary Hagerman

Mary Hagerman

Mary Hagerman is an award winning portfolio manager and investment advisor with the Montreal office of Raymond James Ltd. Considered a female pioneer in building ETF-based discretionary portfolios for her clients, Mary is an expert columnist on ETFs for industry publications in French and English, and she is regularly quoted in the media. Mary combines her personal passion for karate with her professional experience in her book, The Black Belt Investor.

This podcast has been prepared by and expressed the opinions of Mary Hagerman, and are not necessarily the opinions of Raymond James Ltd. (RJL). Statistics, data and other information presented are from sources RJL believes to be reliable, but their accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This podcast is for information purposes only and is not to be construed as an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of securities. Investors considering any investment should consult with their Investment Advisor to ensure that it is suitable for the investor’s circumstances and risk tolerance before making any investment decision. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Information provided in this podcast is general in nature and should not be construed as providing legal, accounting and/or tax advice. Should viewers have any specific questions and/or issues in these areas, please consult your legal, tax and/or accounting advisor. RJL is a Member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund.